The Court Statistics Project (CSP) has published state court caseload statistics since 1975.
During that time, the annual printed reports released by the CSP have undergone different conventions in determining the years listed in the publication’s title. Some publications use the data year (the year that the data describe) while others used the publication year (the year the report was published). These changing practices resulted in a confusing timeline of published documents, with some years represented twice (e.g., 2009 and 2010 appear in title for two different years, since they were each used once for the data year and once for the publication year).
In an effort to address these inconsistencies, the following list provides all of the CSP’s annual print publications listed by the data year.
Beginning with 2019 data, CSP no longer publishes a static digest. From 2019 onward, data are published in CSP STAT.
Beginning in 1993, the single State Court Caseload Statistics was broken into two volumes: Examining the Work of State Courts, which contains the analysis of the caseload data, and State Court Caseload Statistics, which contains the “raw” data and case processing information.